Developing Evaluation Methods for Multi/Hyperspectral Image Analysis
There were great expectations in the 1980s in connection with the practical applications of mathematical processes which were built mainly upon fractal dimension mathematical basis. Results were achieved in the first times in several fields: examination of material structure, simulation of chaotic phenomena (earthquake, tornado), modelling real processes with the help of information technology equipment, the definition of length of rivers or riverbanks. Significant results were achieved in practical applications later in the fields of information technology, certain image processing areas, data compression, and computer classification.
The fractal dimension measured with the help of the Box counting of the two images is the same (FD=1.99), although the two images are different in shades of colour. In the present site content the new mathematical concept named by the author ’spectral fractal dimension - SFD’, the publications from this concept and the possibilities of their practical usage. The measured SFD of the two images show an unambiguous difference (SFDleft side image=1.21, SFDright side image=2.49).
PhD program - Analysis of hyperspectral image processing and agricultural application
PhD program test area - Várvölgy (Google Earth kmz file)
SSFD-USFD Run-time for DAIS hyperspectral images
Design, flight and evaluation high quality aerial and spatial images
- Berke, J., Fractal dimension on image processing, 4th KEPAF Conference on Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Vol.4, 2004, pp.20.
Berke, J., Real 3D terrain simulation in agriculture, 1st Central European International Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference, Vol.1, 2004, pp.195-201.
Berke, J., The Structure of dimensions: A revolution of dimensions (classical and fractal) in education and science, 5th International Conference for History of Science in Science Education, July 12 – 16, 2004.
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Berke, J., Applied Spectral Fractal Dimension, Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Veszprém, 11-13, May, 2005.
HORVÁTH, Z. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. – HEGEDŰS, G. - BERKE, J. (2006): Fractaltexture test in lawn combination classification with hyperspectral images, Proceedings of the 12th year of the European conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry (ISAF), 2006.
- BERKE, J. (2004): Structure of Dimensions/Revolution of Dimensions (Classical and Fractal) in Education and Science, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference for History of Science in Science Education.
- BERKE, J. (2007): Measuring of Spectral Fractal Dimension, Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computation, ISSN: 1793-0057, 3/3: 409-418.
- BERKE, J. (2007): Spektrális fraktálszerkezet alapú osztályozás, Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 113-121.
- Berke, J. (2008): Using Spectral Fractal Dimension in Image Classification, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, SCSS’2008, Ref. Nr. 81.
- Berke, J. – Kozma-Bognár V. (2008): Fernerkundung und Feldmessungen im Gebiet des Kis-Balaton I., Moorschutz im Wald / Renaturierung von Braunmoosmooren, Lübben.
- Berke, J. (2008): A Spektrális fraktálszerkezet vizsgálatának elméleti és gyakorlati lehetőségei, Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2008 Konferencia, Debrecen.
- BERKE, J. (2008): Spectral Structure of Digital Images /Applied Research Projects/, Nanyang-GDF, Budapest, 2008.06.20.
- Kozma-Bognár, V. –Berke, J. (2009): New Applied Techniques in Evaluation of Hyperspectral Data, Georgikon for Agriculture,. Number 1. Volume 12. 2009, ISSN: 0239 1260.
- Berke, J. - Kozma-Bognár, V. – Kovács, ZS. (2009): Képi információk spektrális szerkezetének vizsgálata, Informatika, Number 2. Volume 11. 2009, pp. 14-18., ISSN: 1419-2527.
- Kozma-Bognár, V. – Berke, J. (2009): Új értékelési módszerek fejlesztése és alkalmazása multi- és hiperspektrális adatokon, KÉPAF 2009 Konferencia, Budapest.
- Kozma-Bognár, V. – Berke, J. (2009): ''New Evaluation Techniques of Hyperspectral Data', The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics - WMSCI 2009, Orlando, ISBN-13: 978-1-934272-74-9.
- Berke, J. (2010): Using Spectral Fractal Dimension in Image Classification, Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3658-2_41.
- Kozma-Bognár, V. – Berke, J. (2010): New Evaluation Techniques of Hyperspectral Data. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Volume 8, Number 5. 2010. ISSN: 1690-4524.
- BERKE, J. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. – KOVÁTS, L.D. – NAGY, T. (2011): Results of the Thermal, Near Infrared and Visible Remote Sensing Data Investigation of Red Sludge Catastrophe, International Conference on Emergency Management Technology, ICEMT 2011, 23-25 May, Budapest-Veszprém-Szekszárd.
- BERKE, J. (2011): A vörösiszap katasztrófa légifelvételezése /tervezés, kivitelezés és hasznosulás/, GDF Alap- és Műszaki Tudományi Intézet, 2011. június 16., Budapest.
- BERKE, J. – BÍRÓ, T. - BURAI, P. - KOVÁTS, L.D. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. – NAGY, T. - NÉMETH, T. - TOMOR, T. (2011): A vörösiszap katasztrófa légifelvételezése /tervezés, kivitelezés és hasznosulás/, Nemzetközi Báthory–Brassai Gazdasági, Műszaki és Természettudományi Konferencia, 2011. július 1-2., Balatonlelle.
- BERKE, J. – BÍRÓ, T. - BURAI, P. - HOFFMAN, I. - JÓZSA, J. - KOVÁTS, L.D. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. – NAGY, T. - NÉMETH, T. - TOMOR, T. - TÓTH, F. (2011): A vörösiszap katasztrófa telemetriai adatfeldolgozásának eredményei, Informatika a felsőoktatásban, Debrecen, pp. 849-854, ISBN 978-963-473-461-1.
- BERKE, J. – KOVÁTS, L.D. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. –NAGY, T. (2011): A vörösiszap katasztrófa termális, közeli infravörös és látható tartományú felméréseinek eredményei, Fény-Tér-Kép Konferencia, 2011. október 13-14., Gyöngyös.
- BERKE, J. – KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. - KOVÁTS, L.D. - BURAI, P. - TOMOR, T. – NAGY, T. - NÉMETH, T. (2012): Applied Information Technology on Remote Sensing Data Investigation of Red Mud Catastrophe, INFORMATIKA, ISSN: 1419-2527.
- KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. - BERKE, J. - MARTIN, G. (2012): Application possibilities of aerial and terrain data evaluation in particulate pollution effects, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, EGU2012-3063, 22-27 April, 2012, Wien.
- BERKE, J. – SZŰCS, T. - KOZMA-BOGNÁR, V. (2012): Infra és látható tartományban készült multispektrális légifelvételek optimális csatornáinak meghatározása osztályozási feladatok során, Fény-Tér-Kép 2012, 2012. szeptember 27-28., Gyöngyös.
- KOZMA-BOGNAR, V. - BERKE, J. (2012): Determination of Optimal Hyper- and Multispectral Image Channels by Spectral Fractal Structure, International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, December 7-9, 2012.
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